Saturday, May 21, 2011

Good Stuff

‎"Giving up something now for something better later isn't a sacrifice, it's an investment" - Andy Stanley

This morning, after encouragement from Tonia to finally listen to something that I had been reading tweets on for 3 weeks now, I finally tuned in. 

Andy Stanley is my all time favorite pastor. Every time he speaks I just get it and he is so humble and in tune with what God wants for my generation. So I've been reading about this series about Love, Sex, and Dating that he's been doing for a month now and after Tonia blogged about it, I figured it was time to give it a listen. 

Finally a pastor directed a series to singles. I feel like singles are the most over looked group in our churches today, and therefore marriages are in shambles all across the country. Finally, someone stood up for morals and dating in a biblical way, instead of just for fun. 

I sat mesmerized for 3 hours straight listening to what he had to say. I could sit here and tell you all about it, or you could just give it a listen, which would be way better. Pass it on to you single friends, especially guys. 

It gave me encouragement that there are guys out there who are becoming men of God who want women of God instead of just a weekend fling. There are men out there who don't date girls who they know they would never marry. 

Be the person you want the person you are looking for to be instead of spending time waiting for Mr. Right. 

Me giving up someone/something that I've thought was so great in the past isn't a sacrifice at all, it's an investment for my future husband. I love him enough already to do that. 

Seriously, check it out. 

Go Here.

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