Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We Need to Talk

And by we, I mean Cameron and I.

This evening, he told me I should move to Northwest Arkansas AGAIN. That makes the 4th time in a week and a half.

I mean, it would be different if we were married or heck even DATING. But we aren't. Does he not realize that if I did that, I would be that pathetic girl that just can't let it go? No, he doesn't because he's a guy and I'm still not convinced that he really knows how I feel about him. Even though I've told him and Tonia has told him.

I told him that I would cry if he moved and he just said "Why? I'm nothing special. I'm just a person." I didn't even know what to say except for "I love you and you are so incredibly special to me. I want to marry you and have your children." which would have been completely awkward and weird and uncomfortable on so many levels, so I settled for the long pause and the "you are my best friend so of course I think you are awesome" bit.

I also asked him if he realized how much we hang out. He said I don't know, not that much do we? I then recounted the 4 nights we hung out last week and lunch with my parents. He said it didn't seem like we spent that much time together. He. Is. Literally. Insane. And. Its. Driving. Me. Crazy.

We NEED to discuss the date, the flowers, and the incessant text messaging. If he has no intentions, that is fine and I will be his friend anyways and it would probably be a good thing if he moved, but if he DOES, then I need to know.

After the camping trip, if I can stand it that long, we will have a talk. It was right on the tip of my tongue tonight on the phone, but then he said he was tired and had to go, so who knows, maybe Thursday before class, maybe Monday while we are shopping for groceries for the trip, maybe after the trip, but regardless, WE NEED TO TALK.

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