Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Weight Lifted

These past two weeks have been some of the most stressful in my life. I have written a total of 30 pages of papers, and have one more paper to go. I have been so glad to turn these assignments in! Christmas break really cannot get here fast enough. I have learned a lot this semester:
1. A true friend is a friend always, not someone who will abandon you at the drop of a hat because you messed up.
2. I'm on the right track. School is my passion and my love, I may complain, but it really is so fulfilling.
3. There are many things I have left to decide in my life. Graduate school is quickly approaching and I have no idea what I want to do for a career.
4. I am not ready to be in a relationship. I have a very strong opinion on dating and marriage, and I have yet to find anyone that I want to spend the rest of my life with. For the first time in my life I'm completely ok with that.
5. I have a rekindled love of politics.
6. I have learned not to care about what people think of me. I will always do what I believe is right, no matter if people think I'm ignorant.

I'm sure I have learned a lot more than this, but that's all I can think of right now. This semester I have acted more like myself than ever, and I love it. I am thankful for my friends whom I know will be there forever, and I am learning to accept that some people are only supposed to be in our lives for a short period of time. Life is hard, but God gives me strength to carry on and learn from every situation in life. I can't wait to see what he has for me next semester!


  1. be careful rach, you are starting to sound old and wise.

  2. I must say, most of this semester, I've gained a lot of my wisdom from you! And I thank you for that!

  3. Wisdom. . . and loss of brain cells. Love you!


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