Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Waiting for Mr. Darcy

Today I had the displeasure of listening to a middle-aged lady talk on the phone for 20 minutes about how she had been on drugs, screwed her life up, and got back together with this guy because he helped her get clean. Apparently their relationship wasn't going well and she said that if they got divorced she would just make an agreement to be room mates with him, because "it is too hard to find someone else, they are too much trouble."

When I heard this, I was so saddened. This lady has no idea what true love is, or what marriage is supposed to be about.

I want to wait for my Mr. Darcy. I know that he is a fictional character, but he represents so much. I would rather wait and him find me instead of being impatient and using someone else for my own personal gain. If he's out there then it will happen, but if he's not, then I would rather be alone than to disgrace the institution of marriage.

How can you even resist this?!

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